
That's exactly the point: you're projecting your experience with C++ IDE's to IDE's for other languages. Experience with C++ IDE's is irrelevant when we talk about, for example, Java IDE's. Even if both IDE's are built on the same platform such as Eclipse Java/Eclipse C++ or IntelliJ/CLion.

Don't get me wrong, I love C++ and using it since the very beginning of 90's. But lack of decent IDE was always the problem. Modern C++ IDE's not very much different from Turbo C++ 1.0 in regard to functionality (except, probably, better navigation through the code). Instead, Java IDE's are very different from ones appeared at the beginning of 00's.

Main differentiating factor is the depth of "understanding" code by the IDE and resulting functionality, especially automated analysis and refactoring. This results to significantly improved productivity, different approaches to coding and much better quality of the code.

