Sergiy Yevtushenko
2 min readFeb 8, 2021


Let me start from the beginning.

The short explanation of communist idea looks like this: ”everyone contributes to society according to its abilities, everyone consumes according to its needs”. Here lies the same assumption about unlimited resources: since there is no limiting factors for “needs”, they can’t be satisfied. Communists clearly realized that, since from the very beginning they pushed the idea of “new people”. Those “new people” should be solving this idea by limiting their needs. The idea of “new people” is inherent to Communism and if we look at the history of all attempts to build Communism, we’ll see that in every case there was an attempt to “educate” “new people”. And those who “didn’t want to educate” were doomed to suffering and death, for the obvious reason — there were no place for them in the communist country. Moreover, to achieve the goal of creating “new people”, there must be some other people (communists, of course) who will be setting criteria and deciding how the particular person satisfies requirements to “new people”. If you check all attempts to build communism, you’ll see the same signs — “new people” and communists who decided criteria and checked conformance. And killed those who didn’t conform.

When you refer to “good” communists which obeyed democratic processes and helped your country to prosper, just know — they were not “communists” from the point of view of “real” communists. Such a “good” communists were called “opportunists” and were the worst enemies.

It is reckless to imply that people who advocate communism within a liberal western democracy, are somehow advocating something that will lead to Stalinism. There is absolutely no proof of that.

The problem with the term “Stalinism” is that it somehow separates what Stalin tried to build from communism. The truth is that Stalinism is the real communism. So is Maoism or the regime built by Pol Pot. And there are no exceptions, any attempt to build communism resulted to mass murder in the past and will result to mass murder in the future if anyone will try. Mass murder is unavoidable because it’s inherent to communism.

